Saturday, July 31, 2021

About Vibration Frequency thing

 Not everyone can interpret the following new age religion statements (or maybe it's just enlightment from Buddhism):

Let's say if a modern average person is 1 point in vibrational frequency. And low vibrational USA, China or Russia are third world countries. And when they are vibrating at a high frequency they are superpowers.
And it is all about vibrational frequency.
Then top-tier people in the world must be 200+ points.(like Donald Trump, CR7, Conor Mcgregor and others)
There is also a belief that when vibrations drop too much a person becomes sick.
And you could assume that Rome was just a highly vibrational place and as time and history go on, the average vibrational frequency of humans increases. For example, back in the days of the Roman Empire average vibrational frequency in the rest of the world could be 0.05 and in Rome, it could be 3 points.
Based on my evaluation the highest vibrational person in known human history was Caesar Augustus (to many Caesars were Divine) and if an average vibrational frequency today is 1 point, his vibrational frequency at prime must have been roughly 3000 points, he pretty much made Rome so much stronger that Rome made the world so much better (especially in terms of standards of living)

"High vibrational frequency will always be carrying the world and reducing chaos"

Sunday, May 10, 2020

What happens when we die

There have been more and more near death experiences in which people who experience clinical death see afterlife and all kinds of beings greeting their "souls." I have come to believe that you fight to prevail in this life and when you die an honorable death you suddenly wake up and feel the joy and continuous honor of your soul on another plane. It will be just time to continue improving yourself and continuing your adventures.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

What human biggest wealth is

Health is the biggest wealth. As long as you have sufficient health, you can be making money. Health depends a lot on what comes into your body through drinking and eating.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

How to be more successful

Never abuse power that you have against yourself. You have enough power in your life to make life the greatest it can be

Monday, April 22, 2019

Spiritual Philosophy

Spiritual problems apply to you based on what you believe in. If you dont believe in a certain power or entity it has no power over you and can not be present in your life.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Life Philosophy

One of the most important things in life is not abusing power that you have. You abuse power against yourself when you don't do everything you possibly can to make yourself happy and satisfied. And you abuse power against others when you harm them when it's not necessary.

Friday, April 5, 2019

A philosophical poem

Honored defeat

I have been defeated,
I was conquered.
In my divine throne i am still seated,
In my defeat i am still honored.

Thanks to new stuggle a new fight..
I am a wolf that fights alone.
Against me there no smite,
i will come back fully regrown

In this journey i shall expereance fun,
In this journey i shall expereance joy.
In my journey i will walk i will run.
Coming back in lonliness i fully deploy.